Alex Rutar


Research Articles

  1. A fractal local smoothing problem for the wave equation
    With: David Beltran, Joris Roos, Andreas Seeger
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  2. On the uniformity and size of microsets
    With: Richárd Balka, Vilma Orgoványi
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  3. Fibre stability for dominated self-affine sets
    With: Roope Anttila
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  4. Tangents and slices of self-affine carpets
    With: Antti Käenmäki
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  5. Regularity of non-autonomous self-similar sets
    With: Antti Käenmäki
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  6. Lower box dimension of infinitely generated self-conformal sets
    With: Amlan Banaji
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  7. Assouad spectrum of Gatzouras–Lalley carpets
    With: Amlan Banaji, Jonathan M. Fraser, István Kolossváry
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  8. Tangents of invariant sets
    With: Antti Käenmäki
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  9. Interpolating with generalized Assouad dimensions
    With: Amlan Banaji, Sascha Troscheit
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  10. Multifractal analysis of measures arising from random substitutions
    With: Andrew Mitchell
    Journal: Comm. Math. Phys. 405 (2024), Paper No. 63, 44 p.
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  11. Assouad-type dimensions of overlapping self-affine sets
    With: Jonathan M. Fraser
    Journal: Ann. Fenn. Math. 49 (2024), 3–21
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  12. Attainable forms of Assouad spectra
    Journal: Indiana Univ. Math. J. 73 (2024), 1331–1356
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  13. Attainable forms of intermediate dimensions
    With: Amlan Banaji
    Journal: Ann. Fenn. Math. 47 (2022), 939–960
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  14. A multifractal decomposition for self-similar measures with exact overlaps
    Journal: Preprint (submitted)
    Links: pdfarxiv
  15. Local dimensions of self-similar measures satisfying the Finite Neighbour Condition
    With: Kathryn E. Hare
    Journal: Nonlinearity 35 (2022), 4876–4904
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  16. Geometric and combinatorial properties of self-similar multifractal measures
    Journal: Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst. 43 (2023), 2028–2072
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv
  17. When the Weak Separation Condition implies the Generalized Finite Type Condition
    With: Kathryn E. Hare, Kevin G. Hare
    Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), 1555–1568
    Links: pdfdoizblarxiv

Expository Articles

  1. Multifractal analysis via Lagrange duality
    Journal: Permanent Preprint
    Links: pdfarxiv
  2. Box versus packing dimensions via anti-Frostman measures
    Journal: Permanent Preprint
    Links: pdf
  3. Assouad dimension and self-similar sets satisfying the weak separation condition
    Journal: Permanent Preprint
    Links: pdf